How to put a joint venture together
April 2020 Here is some advice about things to think about when putting together a joint venture
Mothballs and Spring cleaning
March 2020 In these new conditions, what can businesses do to survive and then thrive when things get back to (the new) normal? Some food for thought
2020 vision – the benefits of foresight when putting contracts together
Jan 2020
This recent case is a salutary lesson on the importance of thinking ahead and getting the right bases covered in your commercial agreements. The case relates to an agency/introduction agreement, but the same advice applies to all sorts of agreements.
Why you have warranties in business and share sales
October 2019
A guide to how the law works when you buy shares in a company and later have a warranty claim. Plus a recent case (at 2019) about it.
Quite a lot of background here (in fact there are three of them) but all possibly useful stuff to know particularly if you ever want to buy or sell a business…
What’s in a guarantee?
1 October 2012
This recent case is a reminder that if you are asked to give what you think is a guarantee you need to be careful what it actually says.
Economic duress and good faith (or, it’s ok to be nasty so long as you think it’s ok)
Tn this recent case the Court of Appeal had a few things to say on what circumstances might amount to economic duress. The case confirms the high threshold for proving economic duress. This will give comfort to parties to various types of long-term contracts, particularly those such as franchisors.
Restrictive covenants and blue pencils
27 August 2019
Supreme Court sets law on when you can sever wording from restrictive covenants to turn them from unenforceable into enforceable (the 'blue pencil' rule)
Legal status of consultants – legislation to be aware of
The legal status of consultants from a tax and employment law point of view can be a bit of a minefield
Consultancy and data protection
Consultants and businesses which engage consultants have to be careful to comply with the GDPR legislation
A brief introduction to consultancy
A brief introduction to consultancy plus links to useful related Guides