How to work out whether a consultant is self-employed or an employee
Some useful advice and tips on a thorny issue
What provisions can you expect to see in a consultancy agreement?
Fifteen types of provision you can expect to see in a consultancy agreement
Agents and secret commissions
Is an agent allowed to earn commission from someone in return for introducing his principal if he hasn't told his principal about it?
Verbal contracts, carts, horses, chickens and eggs
Here is a case which looks at how on earth a court decides whether a contract was created and what its terms might have been when all the discussions were oral only, and nothing was put in writing.
What’s the point of a side letter?
Do you know what you're trying to achieve with a side letter to a contract?
Got a contract or not? Know your limits!
When does a contract come into existence and how do you know what it says?
Russians use English courts for pre-emptive attacks
A sizzling tale involving a menage a trois of Russian oligarchs. Or - what does English law have to say about rights of first refusal on share transfers?
Backstops, best endeavours, good faith and Attorney Generals
15/1/19 Is the Attorney General’s legal advice on the legal effect of the Protocol to the Withdrawal Agreement on Ireland and Northern Ireland (the “Protocol”) correct?
Preparing for Brexit: a guide for SMEs
15/1/19 Preparing for Brexit: a guide for SMEs
Do deeds have to be executed under seal?
17/12/18 If you want to enter into a contract with someone, each side needs to give the other what is known as 'consideration'. You can't get something for nothing. The law is a bit silly here and it's largely a formality, as the value of the 'consideration' is irrelevant. That's why lots of contracts say...