Read this and tell me you don’t need a shareholders agreement
What is the default position where you don’t have a shareholders agreement or tailored Articles of Association for your company?
Company sale pitfalls: not getting paid – getting shares in the buyer instead of cash
A few things to think about if you are offered shares in the buyer as part of the price for selling your company
8 pitfalls business owners looking to sell their company should avoid. An OnHand Counsel Introductory Guide
This Introductory Guide will help business owners who want to sell their business to anticipate and navigate 8 common pitfalls
8 pitfalls business owners looking to sell their company should avoid
This Guide will help business owners who want to sell their business to anticipate and navigate 8 common pitfalls
Company sale pitfalls: marketing your company for sale
Here are a number of tips on how to go about marketing your company for sale to get the best possible deal
Company sale pitfalls: Failing to plan for an exit
Thinking of selling your company one day? The importance of having clear objectives and exit plans.
Company sale pitfalls: Not getting paid – the deferred payment
How can you reduce the risks or protect yourself if any of the purchase price on a share sale is to be deferred, whether on the pretext of an earn-out deal or not?
Heads of Terms – FAQs
July 2021
This Guide focuses on Heads of Terms as used for acquisitions (buying company shares or buying business assets as a going concern).
How to put a joint venture together
April 2020 Here is some advice about things to think about when putting together a joint venture
Mothballs and Spring cleaning
March 2020 In these new conditions, what can businesses do to survive and then thrive when things get back to (the new) normal? Some food for thought