

Why you have warranties in business and share sales

October 2019 A guide to how the law works when you buy shares in a company and later have a warranty claim. Plus a recent case (at 2019) about it. Quite a lot of background here (in fact there are three of them) but all possibly useful stuff to know particularly if you ever want to buy or sell a business…

This is how badly you lied to me

4/12/18 A bit more about the law of tort relating to misrepresentation and how the damages you can claim are calculated differently from a normal claim for breach of contract.

A guarantee precedent

Jan 2014 here’s a precedent you could use for a clause to slot into an agreement between you and a customer. Get legal advice on it before you use it. And of course make sure that it fits the agreement (eg getting the parties’ details right; you, for example, are ‘us’)....