

Goodwill hunting

An example of loose drafting of a warranty liability exclusion clause in a share purchase agreement

Why you have warranties in business and share sales

October 2019 A guide to how the law works when you buy shares in a company and later have a warranty claim. Plus a recent case (at 2019) about it. Quite a lot of background here (in fact there are three of them) but all possibly useful stuff to know particularly if you ever want to buy or sell a business…

This is how badly you lied to me

4/12/18 A bit more about the law of tort relating to misrepresentation and how the damages you can claim are calculated differently from a normal claim for breach of contract.

 I overpaid because you lied to me

Nov 2018 I’m not into football much myself but this recent Court of Appeal case relating to the sale of Nottingham Forest FC raises interesting non-football-related legal issues about how sellers can try to wriggle free from being liable for making lies which persuade buyers to buy.